.NET (DOTNET) Interview
OOPS & C# - Basics
- Q1. What is C#? What is the difference between C# and .NET?
- Q2. What is OOPS?What are the main concepts of OOPS?
- Q3. What are the advantages of OOPS?
- Q4. What are the limitations of OOPS?
- Q5. What are Classes and Objects?
- Q6. What are the types of classes in C#?
- Q7. Is it possible to prevent object creation of a class in C#?
- Q8. What is Property?
- Q9. What is the difference between Property and Function?
- Q10. What are Namespaces?
OOPS & C# - Inheritance, Abstraction, Encapsulation & Polymorphism
- Q11. What is Inheritance? When to use Inheritance?
- Q12. What are the different types of Inheritance?
- Q13. Does C# support Multiple Inheritance? How to you implement
- Q14. How to prevent a class from being Inherited?
- Q15. Are private class members inherited to the derived class?
- Q16. What is Abstraction? How to implement abstraction in real applications?
- Q17. What is Encapsulation? How to implement encapsulation in real applications?
- Q18. What is the difference between Abstraction and Encapsulation?
- Q19. What is Polymorphism and what are its types? When to use polymorphism?
- Q20. What is Method Overloading? In how many ways a method can be overloaded?
- Q21. When should you use method overloading in real applications?
- Q22. If two methods have same except return type, then methods are overloaded?
- Q23. What is the difference between Overloading and Overriding?
- Q24.Use of Overriding? When should I override the method in real applications ?
- Q25. Method is marked as virtual, do we have to "override" it from the child base
- Q26. What is the difference between Method Overriding and Method Hiding?
OOPS & C# - Abstract Class & Interface
- Q27. What is the difference between an Abstract class and an Interface?
- Q28. When to use Interface and when Abstract class in real applications?
- Q29. Why to create Interfaces in real applications?
- Q30.Can we define body of Interfaces methods ?
- Q31. Can you create an instance of an Abstract class or an Interface?
- Q32. Do Interface can have a Constructor?
- Q33. Do abstract class have Constructors in C#?
- Q34. What is the difference between abstraction and abstract class?
- Q35. Can Abstract class be Sealed or Static in C#?
- Q36. Can you declare abstract methods as private in C#?
- Q37. Does Abstract class support multiple Inheritance?
OOPS & C# - Access Specifiers, Boxing, Unboxing, String & StringBuilder
- Q38. What are Access Specifiers?
- Q39. What is internal access modifier?
Show example.
- Q40. What is the default access modifier in a class?
- Q41. What is Boxing and Unboxing? Where to use them in real applications?
- Q42. Which one is explicit Boxing or Unboxing?
- Q43. Is Boxing and Unboxing good for performance?
- Q44. What are the basic string operations in C#?
- Q45. What is the difference between “String” and “StringBuilder”?
- Q46. When to use String and when StringBuilder in real applications?
- Q47. What is String Interpolation in C#?
OOPS & C# - LOOPS , Conditions, Exception Handling
- Q48. What are the Loop types in C#? When to use what in real applications?
- Q49. What is the difference between “continue” and “break” statement?
- Q50. What are the alternative ways of if-else conditions? When to use what?
- Q51. How to implement Exception Handling in C#?
- Q52. Can we execute multiple Catch blocks?
- Q53. When to use Finally in real applications?
- Q54. Can we have only “Try” block without “Catch” block?
- Q55. What is the difference between Finally and Finalize?
- Q56. What is the difference between “throw ex” and “throw”?
OOPS & C# - Generics & Collections
- Q57. Explain Generics in C#? When and why to use them?
- Q58. What are Collections in C# and what are their types?
- Q59. What is the difference between Array and ArrayList?
- Q60. What is the difference between ArrayList and Hashtable?
- Q61. What is the difference between List and Dictionary Collections?
- Q62. What is IEnumerable in C#?
- Q63. What is the difference between IEnumerable and IEnumerator in C#?
- Q64. What is the difference between IEnumerable & IQueryable?
OOPS & C# - Constructors
- Q65. What is a Constructor? When to use constructor in real applications?
- Q66. What are the types of constructor?
- Q67. What is Default constructor?
- Q68. What is Parameterized constructor?
- Q69. What is Static constructor? What is the use in real applications?
- Q70. Can we have parameters or access modifier in static constructor?
- Q71. What is Copy constructor?
- Q72. What is Private constructor? What is the use?
- Q73. What is Constructor overloading?
- Q74. What is Destructor?
- Q75. Can you create object of class with private constructor in C#?
- Q76. If base & child both class have constructors, which will be called first?
OOPS & C# - Method Parameters, Delegates & Events
- Q77. What is a Method in C#?
- Q78. Difference between Pass by Value and Pass by Reference Parameters?
- Q79. How to return more than one value from a method in C#?
- Q80. What is the difference between “out” and “ref” parameters?
- Q81. What is “params” keyword? When to use params keyword in real applications?
- Q82. What are optional parameters in a method?
- Q83. What are named parameters in a method?
- Q84. What are extension Methods? When to use them? V Imp
- Q85. What are Delegates in C#? When to use delegates in real applications?
- Q86. What are Multicast Delegates?
- Q87. What are Anonymous Delegates in C#?
- Q88. What are the differences between Events and Delegates?
OOPS & C# - Important Keywords
- Q89. What is “this” keyword in C#? When to use it in real application?
- Q90. What is the purpose of “using” keyword in C#?
- Q91. Can we use Using keyword with other classes apart from DB Connection?
- Q92. What is the difference between “is” and “as” operators?
- Q93. What is the difference between “Readonly” and “Constant” variables?
- Q94. What is “Static” class? When to use it?
- Q95. What is the difference between “var” and “dynamic” in C#?
- Q96. What is Enum keyword used for?
- Q97. Is it possible to inherit Enum in C#?
- Q98. What is the use of Yield keyword in C#?
- Q99. What is LINQ? When to use LINQ in real applications?
- Q100. What are the advantages & disadvantages of LINQ?
- Q101. What is Lambda Expressions? What is the use in real applications?
- Q102. What is the difference between First and FirstOrDefault methods in LINQ?
.NET Framework - Basics
- Q103. What are the important components of .NET framework?
- Q104. What is an Assembly? What are the different types of assembly in .NET?
- Q105. What is GAC?
- Q106. What is Reflection?
- Q107. Serialization and Deserialization? What are the types of serialization?
- Q108. What is meant by Globalization and Localization?
- Q109. What are Window Services?
.NET Framework - Garbage Collection
- Q110. What is Garbage Collection(GC)?
- Q111. What are Generations in garbage collection?
- Q112. What is the difference between “Dispose” and “Finalize”?
- Q113. What is the difference between “Finalize” and “Finally” methods?
- Q114. Can we force Garbage Collector to run?
.NET Framework - Threading
- Q115. What is the difference between Process and Thread?
- Q116. Explain Multithreading?
- Q117. What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous programming?
- Q118. Difference between Threads & Tasks? Advantages of Tasks over threads ?
- Q119. What is the role of Async and Await ?
SQL - Basics
- Q120. What is the difference between DBMS and RDBMS?
- Q121. What is a Constraint is SQL? What are its types.
- Q122. What is the difference between Primary key and UniQue key?
- Q123. What are Triggers and types of triggers?
- Q124. What is a View?
- Q125. What is the difference between Having clause and Where clause?
- Q126. What is Sub Query or Nested Query or Inner Query in SQL?
- Q127. What is Auto Increment/ Identity column in SQL Server?
SQL - Joins & Indexes
- Q128. What are Joins in SQL?
- Q129. What are the types of Joins in SQL Server?
- Q130. What is Self-Join?
- Q131. What are Indexes in SQL Server?
- Q132. What is Clustered index?
- Q133. What is Non-Clustered index?
- Q134. What is the difference between Clustered and Non-Clustered index?
- Q135. How to create Clustered and Non-Clustered index in a table?
- Q136. In which column you will apply the indexing to optimize this Query?
SQL - Stored Procedure, Functions & Others
- Q137. What is the difference between Stored Procedure and Functions?
- Q138. How to optimize a Stored Procedure or SQL Query?
- Q139. What is a Cursor? Why to avoid them?
- Q140. What is the difference between scope identity and @@identity?
- Q141. What is CTE in SQL Server?
- Q142. What is the difference between Delete, Truncate and Drop commands?
- Q143. How to get the Nth highest salary of an employee?
- Q144. What are ACID properties?
- Q145. What are Magic Tables in SQL Server?
- Q146. What is MVC (Model View Controller)?
Explain MVC Life cycle.
- Q147. What are the advantages of MVC over Web Forms (at least 3)?
- Q148. What are the different return types of a controller Action method?
- Q149. What are Filters and their types in MVC?
- Q150. What is Authentication and Authorization in ASP.NET MVC?
- Q151. What are the types of Authentication in ASP.NET MVC?
- Q152. What is Output Caching in MVC? How to implement it?
- Q153. What is Routing in MVC?
- Q154. Explain Attribute Based Routing in MVC?
- Q155. What is the difference between ViewData, ViewBag & TempData?
- Q156. How can we pass the data from controller to view in MVC?
- Q157. What is Partial View?
- Q158. What are Areas in MVC?
- Q159. How Validation works in MVC? What is Data Annotation?
- Q160. Explain the concept of MVC Scaffolding?
- Q161. What is Bundling and Minification in MVC?
- Q162. How to implement Security in web applications in MVC?
ASP.NET Webforms
- Q163. What are the events in Page Life Cycle? In which event the controls loaded
- Q164. What is the difference between Server.Transfer() and Response.Redirect()?
- Q165. What are the different types of Caching?
- Q166. What are the types of state management?
- Q167. Where the ViewState is stored after the page postback?
- Q168. What are the different ways to store session state in asp.net?
- Q169. What is cookie less session?
- Q170. How to force all the validation controls to run in a page in web forms?
ADO.NET and Entity Framework
- Q171. What are the main components of ADO.NET?
- Q172. What is Connected architecture and Disconnected architecture?
- Q173. What are the different Execute Methods of ADO.NET?
- Q174. What are the Authentication techniQues used to connect to SQL Server?
- Q175. What is ORM? What are the different types of ORM?
- Q176. What is Entity Framework?
- Q177. How will you differentiate ADO.NET from Entity Framework?
- Q178. How Entity Framework works? OR How to setup EF?
- Q179. What is meant by DBContext and DBSet?
- Q180. What are the different types of development approaches used with EF?
- Q181. What is the difference between LINQ to SQL and Entity Framework?
Web API - Basics
- Q182. What is Web API? What is the purpose of Web API?
- Q183. What are Web API advantages over WCF and web serivces?
- Q184. What are HTTP verbs or HTTP methods?
- Q185. What is the difference Rest API and Web API?
- Q186. What are REST guidelines? What is the difference between Rest and Restful?
- Q187. Is it possible to use WCF as Restful services?
- Q188. How to consume Web API from a .NET MVC application?
- Q189. What is the difference between Web API and MVC Controller?
Web API - Authentication & JWT
- Q190. What are the types of authentication techniQues in web API?
- Q192. What is API Key Authentication in Web API?
- Q193. What is Token based authentication?
- Q194. What is JWT Authentication?
- Q195. What are the parts of JWT token?
- Q196. Where JWT token reside in the re
- Quest?
Web API - More
- Q197. How to test Web API? What are the tools?
- Q198. What are main Return Types supported in Web API?
- Q199. What is the difference between HTTPResponseMessage and IHttpActionResult?
- Q200. What is the difference between IActionResult and IHttpActionResult?
- Q201. What is Content Negotiation in Web API?
- Q202. What is MediaTypeFormatter class in Web API?
- Q203. What are Response Codes in Web API?
.NET Core - Basics
- Q204. What is .NET Core?
- Q205. What is .NET Standard?
- Q206. What are the advantages of .NET Core over .NET framework?
- Q207. What is the role of Program.cs file in ASP.NET Core?
- Q208. What is the role of ConfigureServices method?
- Q209. What is the role of Configure method?
- Q210. Describe the complete Re
- Quest Processing Pipeline for ASP.NET Core MVC?
- Q211. What is the difference between .NET Core and .NET 5?
- Q212. What is Metapackage? What is the name of Metapackage in ASP.NET Core?
.NET Core - Dependency Injection
- Q213. What is Dependency Injection?
- Q214. How to implement Dependency injection in .NET Core?
- Q215. What are the advantages of Dependency Injection in .NET Core?
- Q216. How to use Dependency Injection in Views in ASP.NET Core?
.NET Core - Service Lifetimes, Middleware & Hosting
- Q217. What are the types of Service Lifetimes of an object/ instance in ASP.NET
- Q218. What is AddSingleton, AddSoped and AddTransient method?
- Q219. What is Middleware in ASP.NET Core? What is custom middleware?
- Q220. How ASP.NET Core Middleware is different from HttpModule?
- Q221. What is Re
- Quest Delegate?
- Q222. What is Run(), Use() and Map() method?
- Q223. What are the types of Hosting in ASP.NET Core?
What is In process and Out
- Q224. What is Kestrel? What is the difference between Kestrel and IIS?
.NET Core - Routing, Files, CORS & More
- Q225. What is Routing? Explain attribute routing in ASP.NET Core?
- Q226. Explain default project structure in ASP.NET Core application?
- Q227. How ASP.NET Core serve static files?
- Q228. What are the roles of Appsettings.Json and Launchsetting.Json file?
- Q229. What are the techni
- Ques to save configuration settings in .NET Core
- Q230. What is CORS? Why CORS restriction is reQuired? Hot to fix CORS error?
- Q231. What is In-Memory caching & Distributed Caching? When to use what?
- Q232. How to handle errors in ASP.NET Core?
- Q233. What are Razor pages in .NET Core?
SOLID Principles
- Q234. What are SOLID Principles? How they different from Design Patterns?
- Q235. What is Single Responsibility Principle?
- Q236. What is Open-closed Principle?
- Q237. What is Liskov Substitution Principle?
- Q238. What is Interface Segregation Principle?
- Q239. What is Dependency Inversion Principle?
- Q240. What is DRY principle?
Design Patterns
- Q241. What are Design Patterns and what problem they solve?
- Q242. What are the types of Design Patterns?
- Q243. What are Creational Design Patterns?
- Q244. What are Structural Design Patterns?
- Q245. What are Behavioral Design Patterns?
- Q246. What is Singleton Design Pattern?
- Q247. How to make singleton pattern thread safe?
- Q248. What is Factory pattern? Why to use factory pattern?
- Q249. How to implement Factory method pattern?
- Q250. What is Abstract Factory pattern?
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